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Potrait by Helka Miettunen

I am a contemporary artist based in Helsinki, Finland. In my art practice I blend elements from different art forms and practises and try to find new ways, spaces and forms to explore themes related to bodily experience, gender, sexuality, nature, stuctural power and the collective subconscious. Concepts of gaze, boundaries, change and fluidity are strongly present in my works. I believe that new ways of understanding and exploring these subjects can be found best in the intersections and overlaps between different artforms and research practices. 

As an artist I believe that art's main focus should be in creating connections and increasing understanding of the surrounding world. Increasing equality and justice should be at the core of every project. 


My way of work usually starts from a concept/theme where I work my way towards the physical piece through research and finaly by working with materials. I prefer working collectively and in a site specific way. I like to blend practises from sculpture, installation, high fashion, experimental film, set design and performance art. Concepts of kitsch and camp aesthetics are always more or less present in my works.

I am most curious about the relationship and interaction between body and space/material. My current interest is to explore further performative possibilities of a sculpture. How could a sculpture change through out the time?Can a sculpture and a body accommodate one another? Or what kind of marks could a temporary monument leave in the collective memory?

I hold a MA degree in Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA) from Aalto University of Art and Design where I graduated from in 2020. I have also completed a BA degree in Fashion Design from Aalto University in 2015.

In addition to my art practise I have also worked as freelancer in film as a costume and set designer. And have also been teaching a fashion illustartion corse in Helsinki Finnish Adult Education Centre since 2015.

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